Product Update: What’s New in PBXDom for Nov 2018

Sama Sohrabi
Sama Sohrabi
2 min read

Talk less, act more! Here, I’d like to draw your full attention to this month’s improvements and features on PBXDom. One of the important factors of our success originates from being highly responsive to the needs of our clients — not in words, but in action. Here’s the proof!

New Features:

Fixed Bugs:

  • Fixed 3CX abandoned call report
  • Fixed Cisco Call Manager forward call report
  • Fixed Avaya missed call report
  • Fixed SIP trunk name detection for Asterisk-based PBXes


  • Updates collector digital signature
  • Improve collector Windows service
  • Improve speed of API
  • Disable Real-time protocol for devices does not support and increase the speed.

New Features:

Occupancy widget


The occupancy widget helps you to understand the overall occupancy of your team and manage your resource better. You should enter the total number of your agents, your goal percent, and working hours per day, that’s all.

Widget SLA/answered within


Do you want to know how many of your calls answered within 30 seconds? Or calculate your SLA based on answered calls within x seconds. You should enter the seconds and your SLA percent.

Support Siemens unify x8.

Now PBXDom support Siemens unify x8 series, you can easily connect your PBX and access your dashboard in a few minutes.

Support Allworx PBX

allworx dashboard

PBXDom supports Allworx PBX, same as more than 160 devices supports, and you can connect your PBX and forget. Access to your dashboard from everywhere.

What are your thoughts?

You can contribute to PBXDom development by sharing your ideas and thoughts with us. Our team at PBXDom will be so glad to hear from you.